Monday, 14 November 2011

Today I had to do a pitch to the class with my group member Charlotte. We just talked about any changes to our idea, the locations, the cost, the props we need, the concept of our idea and showed our animatic. I think that our pitch was successful and we got some useful feed back. We now know that we want the two gangs (common people, Non common people) to be in it more to build up the tension at the end.

This is feedback from our pitch:

2x "Well on the way to Box Office success"

2x "It definitely has potential"

These are the comments from 'the elements that work are':
Ideology + all fitting together
The powder fight (make sure you get lots of footage of it)
The powder fight sounds amazing will be tough to pull it off
Lots of visuals and lyric relationships
Different idea
Good paint/colour fight at the end
Clear & good intertextual references
Works well

These are the comments from 'things that need developing are':
Get permission from ASDA for trolley sequence
Health & safety check (paint in eye etc.)
Perhaps have 2 'gangs' moving together earlier in video
The trolley part is in the original video , try to put a spin on it?
Trolley idea
Just make sure the powder scene works

These are the comments from 'things that don't work are':
A little too much of the visual relationships with the lyrics

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